haibane of old home 1:
oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats

haibane of old home 2:
oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats

reki is tiny:
oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats

haibane lifestyle:
oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats oats
ummmm... i thought about it, and then i decided against spitting out a horrible mess of words meant to be a comforting introduction to this little bu-... oh yeah, decided against it. go. wait... wait, no. yes, each power bar will open in a new window.

haibane of old home chapter 1:covers first 2/3 of episode 1 (rakka hatching from cocoon)
haibane of old home chapter 2:last 1/3 of episode 1, and some of episode 2.
haibane of old home extra muffins: tells the story of what happened to reki after kuramori disappeared, so... it takes place when reki and nemu are kids. it's purdy, yuh hruh.
haibane lifestyle diary: character sketches for the show and some cute... things. with the things. i like this one. buy it and then lose it in the gutter so that i can later find it and worship it?

of course, "Haibane Renmei," the title, images, and original story are © by Yoshitoshi ABe, Mutekei Romance, and Pioneer LDC. Don't sue.