hane haeteru?
haibane renmei- another one of yoshitoshi abe's (lain, niea_7) brilliant brain babies. without going into any detail whatsoever, it's about people who hatch from giant cocoons, grow wings, and live in a town that is caged in by a giant wall. they're called haibane and are only allowed to own junk that the humans throw away. i think it's neato, and that you should buy it and then realize you hate it (because the first dvd is slow, so you don't feel like buying the second one because you don't yet know that it gets much better) and then send it to me so i can sell it for profit. uh, yeah it's pretty different from lain, though there are some scenes which make me say out loud "weeeird..." when no one is around and then the orange cat sitting on the roof across from this room looks at me strangely because i'm talking to myself.... ok. but really, it's fantastic. haibane renmei = BEAUTIFUL artwork, very interesting and sad story, beautiful music, crows, pancakes, feeding sugar to kitties, and pea soup. i love it. NO, I MORE THAN LOVE IT. I am completely obsessed with haibane renmei. it is the greatest thing EVER, even better than pearl tea. YOU MUST SEE IT! soo, at the moment all i have for you is various images from the show, episode summaries, the art book, and the doujinshi. enjoy. images p a i n t : the beautiful stuff t v : the blurry screencaps + episode summaries d o u j i n s h i : black and white |