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The City and the Wall - Tooga - Haibane Renmei
rakka has trouble fitting her wings into clothes, and wonders if the fact that they cause her pain means that they are a part of her. one of the kids at the old home asks rakka if she can clap her wings, rakka tries but doesn't have any control over her wings yet, and just feels pain. rakka later goes into the town to shop for clothes and do some sightseeing, and realizes that humans live in that world, too. she is told that the job of the haibane is to use the things that humans no longer need, and that each haibane needs a haibane renmei handbook which functions as money. rakka buys a seifuku, and has to leave a feather and her signature since she doesn't have a handbook yet. later in the street, kuu acts cute and plays with a kitty who is rolling around. rakka learns that the city is surrounded by a huge wall, and that the tooga are the only people allowed to go through it, for trade. crows start squawking, seemingly at rakka, and rakka freaks out. she goes back to the old home, sees her name plate has been added to the check in/out wall, and reads a note from the haibane renmei welcoming her and summoning her to the temple. she goes back to the guest room where reki is waiting for her with some delicious sandwiches, comes down with a fever again, lies down, her halo support thing falls off, and her halo sticks. oyasumi.
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"Haibane Renmei," the title, images, and original story are © by Yoshitoshi ABe, Mutekei Romance, and Pioneer LDC. Don't sue.