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Scar - Sickness - The Arrival of Winter
a month has passed, and before rakka gets out of bed (which is a hard couch), she thinks back to when she was crying on the way back from the west forest, and how reki grabbed her by the arm and dragged her along. as rakka gets up from the couch, a feather with black spots falls off of her. she goes to kuu's room to keep it clean. after cleaning she washes her hands, and while looking in the mirror notices a black feather on her wing. she plucks it out, and then goes to the city. at the cafe, rakka orders pea soup, and tells the owner that kuu is gone. he said he heard haibane do that (leave), and apologizes for calling kuu a boy. rakka is about to rip out the last page in her handbook to pay, but the man gives it to her for free. while rakka sits with her pea soup, she thinks about how everyone else doesn't seem to care that kuu is gone. another haibane rides by on his skateboard, and stops to talk to rakka. rakka realizes he is the same guy who was arguing with reki that one time, hyouko. hyouko asks if the haibane who went over the wall was reki, and rakka says no. he says that's great, and rakka drops her soup and says "why is that great?" and tells him her friend is gone, and runs off. crows stare at her as she walks through the old home archway. she hangs her pea soup soaked dress up to dry, and finds scissors in her room. the rest of the haibanes are in the guest room, making wing covers for winter. rakka comes in and hikari measures rakka's wings, and sees that they are all cut up. reki takes a closer look and sees black spots spreading, but before reki can say anything, rakka runs off. reki runs after her, sees rakka kneeling in her room with spotted feathers all over the floor, and grabs the scissors out of rakka's hands. after that, reki puts a dye on rakka's wings, and says that it's not medicine, and that she's not sick. rakka asks why reki has this stuff, and reki says sometimes there are haibane who aren't blessed, can't remember their dreams, and are born with sins. she says rakka isn't one of those haibanes, because she was born with perfect gray wings, and is a good haibane, unlike herself, who was born with black wings. she tells rakka about kuramori's disappearance, and how she didn't believe nemu when she told her about the day of leaving the nest. she also adds that something terrible happened in her dream, but she cannot remember it. when rakka goes back to her room, she sees wing covers hanging from the door knob, with a note from hikari that says "i'm sorry."
"Haibane Renmei," the title, images, and original story are © by Yoshitoshi ABe, Mutekei Romance, and Pioneer LDC. Don't sue.